
4-Minute Waffle


4-Minute Waffle

These waffles feature a soft texture achieved by baking at a lower temperature for a slightly longer duration, resulting in a uniquely delicious texture even when freshly baked.


  • Whole egg:560g
  • Superfine sugar:320g
  • Corn syrup/Sorbit L-70 (Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences Limited): 120g
  • Emulsified oil/Parufan Doru (MIYOSHI OIL & FAT CO., LTD.): 32g
  • Cake flour/Violet (Nisshin Flour Milling INC.): 400g
  • Baking powder: 7.2g
  • Milk: 228g
  • Oil/Cooking oil: 60g

How to make the batter

Start by mixing the emulsified oil and corn syrup until they form a paste.

The paste should look like this when properly mixed.

Break the whole egg and add superfine sugar. Mix until fully incorporated.

Ensure the mixture is thoroughly incorporated.

Add the paste of emulsified oil and corn syrup, mixing to increase the specific gravity. Aim for a specific gravity of 0.80-0.85 as a rough guide.

The specific gravity is now 0.82.

Gradually add the sifted cake flour and baking powder in two parts, mixing at low speed.

At the beginning, mix it gently so that the powdered ingredients do not become airborne.
Use a rubber spatula to ensure thorough incorporation.

Incorporate the milk and cooking oil, stirring until smooth.

The batter’s specific gravity should be between 0.85 and 0.90. The final specific gravity has become 0.87.
The batter is ready.

Arranging the Batter

Increase the egg ratio to make the batter more resistant to cracking when folded. Reducing the amount of sugar also lessens the sweetness, making it suitable for mealtime use as well. Here is the formula demonstrated at the exhibition (at a cafe restaurant).

  • Whole egg:720g(140%→180%)
  • Superfine sugar:240g(80%→60%)
  • Corn syrup/Sorbit L-70 (Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences Limited): 120g
  • Emulsified oil/Parufan Doru (MIYOSHI OIL & FAT CO., LTD.): 32g
  • Cake flour/Violet (Nisshin Flour Milling INC.): 400g
  • Baking powder: 7.2g
  • Milk : 228g
  • Oil/Cooking oil: 60g
  • The batter preparation, baking method, and baking time are the same.

    How to cook the batter

    Set the Compact Pancake Cooker to 150℃.
    Apply oil (Bitakatto SL) to the waffle molds.
    Pour the batter into the molds, give it a light spray, and then cover it.
    Cook for 4 minutes, then flip over and lightly cook the other side for a total cooking time of 4 minutes and 30 seconds before removing.

    Ensure the molds are properly greased
    This time, we used round molds with a mesh pattern.
    Misting and steaming enhances the even distribution of heat and ensures the waffle is thoroughly cooked through.
    Carefully lift the waffles from the molds using an eyeleteer and flip them over with your hands, taking care not to burn yourself.
    The waffles are cooked nicely!

    Examples of fillings

    Fill the waffles generously with whipped cream and strawberry jam.
    Create fruit sandwiches with the waffles.
    Enjoy a light meal by making ham and cheese sandwiches with the waffles.

    The waffles previously mentioned were baked at 180°C for 3 minutes. Baking them longer at a lower temperature yields a soft and fluffy texture, making them delicious even when freshly made. These waffles are lightly sweetened, making them suitable for various meal options.

    Watch the recipe video

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